BHOLD Organizationunits export error. "objectidentifier" is missing

trying to export organizationunits into the bhold core.

Gettting export error "required objectidentifier is missing" on running export.

Have followed the microsoft documentation but still facing issues.need help

Thanks in advance

August 29th, 2013 4:09pm

In past BHOLD environments, at a minimum, I have set up the following export flows for OrgUnits:

  1. bholdDescription
  2. Parent

During Provisioning all I set is the DN for the OrgUnit.  I hope that helps!

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August 29th, 2013 11:19pm

Yes , i have set up those as my export flows.Can you elaborate on the "setting DN for the Orgunit" in the provisioning code
August 30th, 2013 7:51am

Can you also elaborate on the provisioning code as it will be helpful in comparing with my provisioning code.
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August 30th, 2013 7:56am

Have you read these BHOLD guides:

Step 9: Create a FIM metaverse rules extension

Step 10: Create FIM management agents

August 30th, 2013 10:33am

Yes, i have created my management agents and metaverse rules extension from Microsoft guides.



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August 30th, 2013 12:38pm

Do you use BHOLD SP1? I can confirm that organizational units are exported without errors when deployment follows those guides.
August 30th, 2013 3:17pm

Yes we are using BHOLD sp1.But facing the issue on exporting OU objects.
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August 30th, 2013 3:55pm

Does your Metaverse object look something like this (you probably don't need orgID)?

Can you export other object types (users)?

Are you able to create OUs manully in the BHOLD Core?

August 30th, 2013 4:17pm

Here is my provisioning code, which I believe is straight from the lab:

            Dim numberofConnectors As Integer
            Dim myMA As ConnectedMA = mventry.ConnectedMAs("BHOLD Orgunits")
            numberofConnectors = myMA.Connectors.Count
            If 0 = numberofConnectors Then
                Dim obCS As CSEntry
                obCS = myMA.Connectors.StartNewConnector("OrganizationalUnit")
                Dim DN As ReferenceValue
                DN = myMA.EscapeDNComponent(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString)
                obCS.DN = DN
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw ex
        End Try
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August 31st, 2013 1:50am

Yes , i am able to export other object types.

Yes, i am able to manually create OUs in BHOLD core.

And my metaverse object is exactly like the flow mentioned above.

September 2nd, 2013 8:07am

Yes my provisioning code is exactly the same.
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September 2nd, 2013 8:08am

but still i am getting the error "cd error required attribute object identifier missing"
September 2nd, 2013 8:13am

I am using C# for writing my provisioning code.
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September 2nd, 2013 8:25am

If you're using c# your code can't be _exactly_ same, because that is vb (you probably knew that, but just in case you didn't). Maybe you could just try to use the code above.

Are you sure you have deployed the right dll? Are you able to debug (e.g. add a breakpoint and see that your code execute)?

September 2nd, 2013 11:25am

yes i know C# code can't be exactly same with the vb.

Yes i have tried on everything but in vain.

Please suggest alternatives.

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September 2nd, 2013 12:29pm

Do you have any other environment where you could test this? If not, you can try deconstruct your current BHOLD implementation and recreate it. Maybe even better idea would be to install an another test enviroment (you can use just one virtual machine). Whatever you choose, use test lab guides line by line and try to avoid any customizations.

Test Lab Guide: Installing Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2

Test Lab Guide: BHOLD Access Management Connector

September 9th, 2013 9:52am

I'm seeing the same thing.  have you resolved it and if so can you share here?
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October 11th, 2013 9:09pm

So I've been playing around and got the same issue. Had a issue that the bhold account needed full SQL access and local admin rights. Not 100% sure if this is required but the MS Lab is using administrator account for everything which is domain admins and Full SQL.

Would be nice to get proper documentation.

Going to play around and see what is required to make it work. only speculation at the moment.

I also figured out there are required fields to create a user in BHOLD like displayname make sure you look at what fields are required.

Again documentation would be nice here.

October 17th, 2013 3:56pm

Anyone ever figure this out?  I see two posts relevant to this error and neither one have an answer.  I tried to set the ObjectIdentifier in the attribute flow, but it comes back that the value is read only.  I haven't tried to set it in the MV extension code.  I suspect that's not going to work, either.


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February 18th, 2015 10:49pm

Ok.  I figured this out (as least for my implementation - who knows if this will work for someone else).

I ended up throwing out the MV extension code and building the attribute flow as a sync rule in the FIM portal.  I mapped the OrgUnitName to the MV displayName, OrgUnitParent to a newly created ParentOU (reference) attribute in the MV.  Yes, I had to create the ParentOU attribute for the organization object in the MV.  And, I had to change the attribute in the MA for the parent ou from a string to a reference DN. 

After those changes, I ran into the same "missing ObjectIdentifier" error.  So, I added an additional attribute mapping in the sync rule for dn to csObjectID.  After I did that, I was able to import the OU structure into the MV.

The sync service recognized the BHOLD MA and the exports that were required.  An export of the BHOLD MA pushed the OUs out to BHOLD.  A subsequent BHOLD MA sync and import cleaned everything up. 

I'm puzzled that the MV extension didn't set the csObjectId.  But, the documentation on this is scant and riddled with voodoo.  I have my suspicions that the code isn't complete.  Eventually, I'll figure that out.

I based my solution on perusing through the configurations in the BHOLD virtual lab at:

The lab is way too high level to be of much use, but it is good for looking at a somewhat functional environment.

I hope this helps someone out.

  • Proposed as answer by Greg Wilkerson Thursday, February 19, 2015 9:32 PM
February 20th, 2015 12:32am

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